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Pressure Welding Machines
World leader in cold weld technology
Pressure Welding Machines
World leader in cold weld technology
Pressure Welding Machines
World leader in cold weld technology

PWM exhibiting at wire Dusseldorf
  • Pressure Welding Machines Limited formed in 1984 by current MD, Steve Mepsted, and the then chairman, Trevor Sherwen
  • Sales office and manufacturing plant established at Longfield, Kent
  • PWM makes its debut to the wire and cable industry at wire 1986
  • Original product portfolio includes one pneumatic (P100) and two manual cold welders (M100 and M25)
  • Launch of first rod welder (pneumatic P300) in 1985
  • Manual range expanded with launch of hand-held M30 and M10 machines PWM exhibiting at wire Dusseldorf
  • First portable air/hydraulic welder HP100 makes debut in 1987
M100 manual cold welder
M25 hand held manual cold welder
Steve Mepsted operating the P101
P300 pneumatic cold welder